Thursday, 10 March 2011

Ice Breaking BBQ Event Photos!

G'day peeps! Before we jump into our all-important Inaugural General Meeting tomorrow, let us all recap on our successful Ice Breaking BBQ last Saturday!

It was a cool and sunny Saturday morning, no weather more perfect for a warm BBQ party smack in the middle of the lovely Hawthorn Central Gardens. The committee arrived a little earlier for the preparation that morning, and nothing was more rewarding than seeing fellow Malaysians starting to stream into the park!

Friends of friends were introduced to each other, hands were shaken, names were introduced around while sandwiches started flying off the park table.

As everyone get to know one other, our President - Kendrick Ng, gave a casual speech welcoming everyone.

Then it was a simple Ice breaking game session which saw everyone scrambling to recall names.

After which, everyone was treated with BBQ chicken wings and sausages fresh off the heat.

From then on, it was just BBQ, chit-chatting and the sun. To wrap up the event, everyone gathered in a shade (in true Malaysian-style) under a large tree for a huge group photo of everyone who was present that day!

A big shout-out to everyone who came along - a BIG terima kasih! It wouldn't have been such a memorable event if it was not for each and everyone of you. Here's to more awesome gatherings in the future!

See you tomorrow for the Inaugural General Meeting of MSA at The George, Swinburne!


  1. The photos ah, very the nice... =D

  2. Like this very much! Thank you very much Sheng Han!
